The Mercury E-dition

Work on yourself from the inside out


EVERYTHING begins on the inside. Every act of benevolence, of mercy, human kindness, begins within whoever generates it.

The head, heart, mind and the soul of the person conceiving it is where it begins.

Then, of course, it can be developed and shared with others until it grows, sometimes even becoming a movement.

Destruction also begins on the inside. Deceitful plans begin on the inside. Selfishness begins on the inside.

Such motivations may be born out of desperation, hunger, jealousy, selfishness or lust, but nonetheless they come from within.

There are many poor people who do not cheat. There are many desperate people who do not feed the desperation with immoral actions. The soul, that powerful combination of heart and mind and spirit, is the rudder, the rudder that steers the ship.

The inside, the inner person, is essential in directing a person’s life, and should not be ignored or denied.

When I avoid the messages from within, and walk towards that which I know is unhealthy for me, I know I’m deploying my own destructive ends. When my inner person says “yes” to destructive things, I know I’m creating a pathway to my own dis-ease, my own downfall.

When I acknowledge the dangers, thoughts and motivations lurking within me, and when I pay heed to the warning lights, I save myself from an awful lot of pain and anguish, and pain and anguish for others, too.





African News Agency