The Mercury E-dition


WE HAVE found 50 words that can be made from the letters in the square, each of which uses the letter in the middle and contains at least four letters. We challenge you to beat this, and also to make at least one nine-letter word. No abbreviations, initials or foreign words unless they form words in everyday use. No plurals.

Today’s Target: Good 33; very good 40;

excellent 50.

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: cent centre chin chine cine cithern cittern cretin enrich enter enteric entice entire erne ethnic hence herein hern hint inch inert inhere neither nether nett nice niche niece nitre recent rein rent richen teen tench tenet tenrec tent tenter tenth tern terne theine then thence therein thin thine thirteen THRENETIC tine tint tinter treen trench trine





African News Agency